
Just Keumala with Love

Archive for the tag “Earth”

10 Easy Things You Can Do Today for the Earth

It is Easy Being Green: 

1. Use cloth napkins for dinner.

2. Bring your own drink or drink container with you today.

3. Eat one whole food instead of a processed snack.

4. Look around you.  Mindfully appreciate nature at least once today.

5. Feed an animal.  If you do not have a pet, leave a piece of bread for the birds.

6. Take a shorter shower.

7. Recycle something you usually don’t. (i.e., paper price tags and the toilet paper role)

8. Reuse.  Pass clothing you don’t wear to someone who could use it.  Reuse the back of paper that comes home from your children’s school.

9. Reduce.  Chose one small thing today that you can go without.

10.  Research more ways to go green.

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